go90 Android App First Impressions

As someone who likes watching both TV shows and Internet shows on a constant basis, imagine my excitement when I hear that go90, an app created by Verizon Wireless, would try to merge the two worlds into one app while adding a social element in the process. The moment I heard about this I tried to get into the beta as fast as possible, to no avail; but now the app has officially launched on both iOS and Android (for free) and my overall impressions of the app are for the most part positive.

The UI of the app does have a nice visual flair to it and everything is neat and organized. I do get a sense of this app being a bit of an Android port of the iOS app as all of the main sections of the app are listed at the bottom of the screen whereas in most Android apps it would be in a hamburger menu of sorts. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, it’s just not what I would expect from an Android app, especially one from Verizon of all places.

One thing that got me intrigued about go90 was the social aspect of the service. Users can join groups, or “Crews” as they’re called, and meet other members to discuss certain topics and shows depending on the group their in. I’ve yet to join a crew, though I do plan on making a couple myself, I’ll let you know what they are on twitter if you happen to follow me.

Another part of the social aspect that intrigued me was the “Cuts” feature within the service. While you’re watching a piece of content from the service, you tap the pair of scissors icon and you’ll be able to take a piece of said content and edit it to your heart’s desire. I immediately got a Vine vibe from the cuts aspect and was a bit turned off because the UI for it was a bit buggy on my end. Bear in mind I am running the app on a HTC Desire 610 running Android 4.4 KitKat. Nonetheless I see a lot of potential for this to be not only useful, but also pretty hilarious.

As far as the content is concerned, it’s not bad! If you haven’t heard already, Verizon bought AOL for $4.4 Billion, which included all its subsidiaries including Huffington Post, TechCrunch, etc. Not only that but, Verizon got in contact with Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, among other big TV Networks to put content on the service, plus popular internet networks like the Nerdist Network, Elite Daily, CollegeHumor, amongst others to add more content to the service. The content selection is not bad by any stretch, I just wish there was more from other networks, hopefully later on down the line there will be more networks going 90 as well and I can’t wait for that.

Overall, my experience of go90 was pretty good on launch day. I only had a few crashes with the app, but that was when I wanted to change my profile picture from nothing to my personalized snapcode, hopefully in the next update that’ll get fixed as well as them adding new content and new shows on both TV and Internet for me to discover. I wish go90 and Verizon Wireless the best of luck in this endeavor.

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